Why do I need regular dental checkups?

It's really important to ensure that everything in your mouth is healthy. Often, people assume that if everything feels fine, everything is fine. While that is sometimes true, unfortunately, there are often issues in your mouth that may not cause pain or discomfort but are still potential problems. That's why it's crucial to have a dentist or a hygienist examine your mouth and clean your teeth regularly.

How often should I get a dental checkup?

We generally recommend seeing our patients at least once a year—every 12 months—to ensure everything is healthy and stable. Ideally, we like to see our patients every six months. This is preferable because many changes can occur even over a few months. Studies have shown that it only takes about 30 days for a cavity to start forming in your teeth. So, during a dental checkup, we might find issues that weren't present four to six months ago.

Can dental checkups prevent oral health issues?

For the most part, if we find something that isn't ideal—like an infection or a broken tooth—it's always better to find it sooner rather than later. While regular checkups don't guarantee that nothing will be found, they are the best way to catch issues early if they exist.

What is included in a dental checkup at Crown Dentistry?

When we see a patient for the first time, we perform several tasks. First, we gather a complete history of your personal health, including any medications, supplements, or vitamins you are taking. We also inquire about your dental and medical history. We ask if you see your medical doctor regularly for physicals and lab work and if you've visited other dentists recently or had any dental work done. We also want to know about any medical history, such as illnesses or procedures, as these can potentially affect your oral health. Understanding your overall health helps us provide the best care when examining your mouth.

After reviewing your health history, we take x-rays to give us a comprehensive view of your mouth. We're not just examining your teeth; we also check your cheeks, lips, tongue, hard palate, and the roof of your mouth to ensure everything appears healthy and free of infection or disease. We also examine any fillings, crowns, or other restorations to ensure they are in good shape and check for potential cavities or infections. Additionally, we take photos and x-rays to maintain a record of your oral health, which allows us to show you what is happening in your mouth. We typically perform a cleaning during your first visit unless there is a more pressing issue. Starting with a clean, healthy mouth is always beneficial. We also assess your gums and soft tissue, ensuring there's no gum disease affecting your gums or the bone surrounding your teeth.

What is a dentist looking for during a dental checkup?

We aim to ensure that everything in your mouth is healthy. We examine your teeth for cavities and infections in the bone surrounding them. We check your gums for signs of bleeding or inflammation and ensure there are no bad odors or tastes. We also assess any fillings, crowns, or implants you've had to ensure they are in good condition.

How long does a dental checkup take?

If you're visiting us for the first time, we typically allow at least one hour for a dental checkup, which includes an exam and x-rays. If we're also cleaning your teeth, we usually need at least another hour. If you are a returning patient, appointments may not take as long, but we generally allocate a couple of hours for first-time visits to be thorough and complete.

Do dental checkups hurt?

Dental checkups usually don't hurt because we're mainly looking and examining. Occasionally, checking your gums, soft tissue, or teeth may cause some sensitivity if there's an infection or cavity. We strive to make the process as comfortable as possible for you.

What is the best way to schedule a dental checkup?

If you want to ensure your mouth is healthy, please call us at (916) 848-2145. We're here to help. Thank you.